Payment Details:
Please pay Beck Event Rentals using the following details:
Payable to Beck Events
Mail to this address:
Anthony Marinaro ---- do not make the check payable to Anthony
6800 SW 15th St.
Des Moines, Iowa 50315
*Note: Do not change anything of the above address, please do not add the Beck Event's name or add anything, just write it exactly how it's written above. Changes may cause your check to be lost in the mail.
Payable to Beck Events
Mail to this address:
Anthony Marinaro ---- do not make the check payable to Anthony
6800 SW 15th St.
Des Moines, Iowa 50315
*Note: Do not change anything of the above address, please do not add the Beck Event's name or add anything, just write it exactly how it's written above. Changes may cause your check to be lost in the mail.