Hold Terms
Please make note of the terms and details of holding a date:
- Dates are held 1st come first serve.
- Holds are not published on-line so even though you may request a date to be help there may already be another person 1st in line for that dates.
- Dates automatically expire after 7 days (weekends count) - you do not receive an email when the date has expired - you may hold the date for another 7 days by responding to your last email with the venue requesting an 7 day extension to the hold.
- Dates can not be held longer than 14 days total.
- To secure a date you must provide a 50% deposit, damage deposit, signed hold harmless, and signed terms. All 4 items must be completed for the date to be secured. There are no refunds on deposits.
- Held dates can not be placed in person or on the phone - they must be held using the online portal. The portal is located here:
Please Note: These calendars do not include hold dates. You can place a soft hold on any date without a deposit, you would then get first right to book the space if someone else is interested in that date. It is possible that the date you want is on hold right now. If someone already has a hold on a date then you would be in the second hold position. If you were to want that date the person in the first hold position would have 1 business day to produce the deposit check or it would fall to the person in the second hold position. You would then be required to place a deposit of half the rental amount and that would book the date. A soft hold is good for 7 days and then it expires (you will not be emailed or called that your hold has expired). You may put another soft hold on that date if you contact us by email before it expires. |