You may pay by credit card; there is a 3% fee for all credit card transactions. Accounting needs different signed forms for each company, this way when audited we have actual approval for the amount to the correct vendor. Since none of the companies are connected one form does not work for each company. All forms are deleted from email and shredded if they are printed. Credit cards are not kept on file so multiple
Crdit Card form for the venue, votives, or chalk: FORM
Payable: Sticks, Inc
Crdit Card form for planning services: FORM
Payable: Anthony Marinaro
Crdit Card form for Rentals: FORM
Payable: Beck Events
Crdit Card form for the venue, votives, or chalk: FORM
Payable: Sticks, Inc
Crdit Card form for planning services: FORM
Payable: Anthony Marinaro
Crdit Card form for Rentals: FORM
Payable: Beck Events