Thank you for being a caterer at Sticks Design Studio!
Please save this web address to your browser so that you can reference it before any event!
Below are the details for vendor’s who are loading in and out of Sticks. These are our policies and guidelines. For any questions please email [email protected]
Thank you!
Stick's Design Studio:
3631 SW 61st St.
Des Moines, Iowa 50321
Catering Guidlines:
1. Access: Please list your ideal setup time when you register and Sticks / Out of Box will confirm this with you. Note: Stick's Stuido is locked unless previous arrangements have been made. For caterers not on our approved list the client must pay a $50 per hour fee from the moment Sticks is unlocked until after clean up is completed. This feel will include a facility manager who will remain on-site at Sticks to answer questions and monitor the space.
2. Takedown: Please note that take down should happen at the end of the night. All equipment must be removed from Sticks at the end of the event. A manager from the catering company must remain until the last guest has left for the evening. The catering and/or bar staff must clean up all food and bar related trash, sweep up any debris left on the floor, and mop up any spills. This is required at Sticks so please plan to have enough staff remain until the very end of the night.
3. Trash: There is a large trash bin for outside the back dock for all event related trash. Please make sure to use the rolling trash bin rather than dragging the bag on the floor as that will create a mess through-out the building. All event related trash must be removed from Sticks at the end of the night. You may place beer and wine bottles back into their boxes and place on the back dock and a Sticks staff member will take them to a recycle center.
4. Sinks: Sticks has sinks for potable water, but not for washing any food related dishes or utensils. Please do not use the sinks to wash items.
All food related garbage including left over food items should be placed in the trash and then thrown away in the large bins outside. You may work with your client directly to arrange for their leftovers to either take home or to donate, but they can not be left in the building overnight.
5. Clean-up: Clean up should include the following: All food related spills cleaned up, food debris on the floor swept, wipe down catering kitchen and counter surfaces, dispose of any left over food items in the trash, remove all trash and place in the dumpster (do not drag bags), replace trash can liners, and make sure to check out with the event manager before you leave. You can access the most current cleaning checklist here: LINK
6. Staffing: The catering company should provide staff to set up all catering related items, pickup dirty dishes, serve guests food as needed, and take out food related trash. The catering company should also provide bar staff and must have a closing manager on-site to oversea the bar and final clean up at the end of the night. Final cleanup of the bar, trash, sweeping, mopping up spills usually takes 1 hour after last call so please plan accordingly. Clean up must be completed at the end of the night and there is not an option to come in the next day to complete clean up.
7. Bar and Beverages: All caterers that work at Sticks must have a Class C liquor licence with Catering Privilege and dram shop insurance. This is a requirement and can never be waived. Proof of the license and insurance must be provided 30 days before the event. If you have been hired by the client and you do not have this licence you must either obtain this and provide proof of both to caterer at Sticks or no wine, beer, or or liquor may be served at their event. No cash bars ever, no exceptions. We do allow the client to bring in their own wine and beer, however, they must agree to your rules, policies, and fee's on this and your bar staff must serve it. The client may not provide their own bar staff, this is prohibited. You must either provide ice, bar tools, soda, bottled water, etc. for the client or have them provide these items. If you do not provide these items then we most often use Justin at Hy Vee Windsor for our ice, beer, soda, bottled water orders. He will deliver the items directly to Sticks and is great to work with (please ask Anthony for his email). Tubs for ice, soda, beer, etc. must be either brought in from the catering company or the client can rent them.
Please email Anthony the Sticks/Out of Box manager your policies and fee's for bars so that he can retain a copy in your file.
To recap please remember the following:
- All caterers must have a Class C Liquor Licence with catering privilege (food must be served too)
- No cash bars ever
- The caterer must provide all bar staff
- The caterer sets their own policy and fee's (please email a copy to Anthony)
8. Catering Fees: Sticks does not charge a caterer fee for any caterer not on our list. That being said, the client is charged $50 per hour from the moment the doors are unlocked until they are locked after everyone has gone home. If you wish, you may offer to pay this charge on behalf of the client. We do calculate the access fee 60 days before the event and payment in full for the access is required 30 days before the event.
9. Register with us: All caterers must be approved by Sticks/ Out of Box Productions before signing and agreement with your client. A Catering Form must be filled out for each wedding you are contracted for at Sticks. Please fill out the Vendor Form here at the bottom of this page or click here: LINK
10. Loading In: For dock access please indicate it on your Registration Form, but if you do not need dock access then items should be brought (on wheeled carts) up the main walk-way. You may use any wheeled carts at Sticks that are not in use. Please click on the diagram link for the load in / load out diagram: DIAGRAM
Please avoid driving on the lawn to load/unload, this is never acceptable.
For additional questions please email (preferred over calling) Anthony at [email protected]
Events Wireless: celebrate!
Please let me know if you have any questions or needs!
Thanks You!
Event Team
[email protected]
Sticks Design Stuido
3631 SW 61st St.
Des Moines, Iowa 50321
Please save this web address to your browser so that you can reference it before any event!
Below are the details for vendor’s who are loading in and out of Sticks. These are our policies and guidelines. For any questions please email [email protected]
Thank you!
Stick's Design Studio:
3631 SW 61st St.
Des Moines, Iowa 50321
Catering Guidlines:
1. Access: Please list your ideal setup time when you register and Sticks / Out of Box will confirm this with you. Note: Stick's Stuido is locked unless previous arrangements have been made. For caterers not on our approved list the client must pay a $50 per hour fee from the moment Sticks is unlocked until after clean up is completed. This feel will include a facility manager who will remain on-site at Sticks to answer questions and monitor the space.
2. Takedown: Please note that take down should happen at the end of the night. All equipment must be removed from Sticks at the end of the event. A manager from the catering company must remain until the last guest has left for the evening. The catering and/or bar staff must clean up all food and bar related trash, sweep up any debris left on the floor, and mop up any spills. This is required at Sticks so please plan to have enough staff remain until the very end of the night.
3. Trash: There is a large trash bin for outside the back dock for all event related trash. Please make sure to use the rolling trash bin rather than dragging the bag on the floor as that will create a mess through-out the building. All event related trash must be removed from Sticks at the end of the night. You may place beer and wine bottles back into their boxes and place on the back dock and a Sticks staff member will take them to a recycle center.
4. Sinks: Sticks has sinks for potable water, but not for washing any food related dishes or utensils. Please do not use the sinks to wash items.
All food related garbage including left over food items should be placed in the trash and then thrown away in the large bins outside. You may work with your client directly to arrange for their leftovers to either take home or to donate, but they can not be left in the building overnight.
5. Clean-up: Clean up should include the following: All food related spills cleaned up, food debris on the floor swept, wipe down catering kitchen and counter surfaces, dispose of any left over food items in the trash, remove all trash and place in the dumpster (do not drag bags), replace trash can liners, and make sure to check out with the event manager before you leave. You can access the most current cleaning checklist here: LINK
6. Staffing: The catering company should provide staff to set up all catering related items, pickup dirty dishes, serve guests food as needed, and take out food related trash. The catering company should also provide bar staff and must have a closing manager on-site to oversea the bar and final clean up at the end of the night. Final cleanup of the bar, trash, sweeping, mopping up spills usually takes 1 hour after last call so please plan accordingly. Clean up must be completed at the end of the night and there is not an option to come in the next day to complete clean up.
7. Bar and Beverages: All caterers that work at Sticks must have a Class C liquor licence with Catering Privilege and dram shop insurance. This is a requirement and can never be waived. Proof of the license and insurance must be provided 30 days before the event. If you have been hired by the client and you do not have this licence you must either obtain this and provide proof of both to caterer at Sticks or no wine, beer, or or liquor may be served at their event. No cash bars ever, no exceptions. We do allow the client to bring in their own wine and beer, however, they must agree to your rules, policies, and fee's on this and your bar staff must serve it. The client may not provide their own bar staff, this is prohibited. You must either provide ice, bar tools, soda, bottled water, etc. for the client or have them provide these items. If you do not provide these items then we most often use Justin at Hy Vee Windsor for our ice, beer, soda, bottled water orders. He will deliver the items directly to Sticks and is great to work with (please ask Anthony for his email). Tubs for ice, soda, beer, etc. must be either brought in from the catering company or the client can rent them.
Please email Anthony the Sticks/Out of Box manager your policies and fee's for bars so that he can retain a copy in your file.
To recap please remember the following:
- All caterers must have a Class C Liquor Licence with catering privilege (food must be served too)
- No cash bars ever
- The caterer must provide all bar staff
- The caterer sets their own policy and fee's (please email a copy to Anthony)
8. Catering Fees: Sticks does not charge a caterer fee for any caterer not on our list. That being said, the client is charged $50 per hour from the moment the doors are unlocked until they are locked after everyone has gone home. If you wish, you may offer to pay this charge on behalf of the client. We do calculate the access fee 60 days before the event and payment in full for the access is required 30 days before the event.
9. Register with us: All caterers must be approved by Sticks/ Out of Box Productions before signing and agreement with your client. A Catering Form must be filled out for each wedding you are contracted for at Sticks. Please fill out the Vendor Form here at the bottom of this page or click here: LINK
10. Loading In: For dock access please indicate it on your Registration Form, but if you do not need dock access then items should be brought (on wheeled carts) up the main walk-way. You may use any wheeled carts at Sticks that are not in use. Please click on the diagram link for the load in / load out diagram: DIAGRAM
Please avoid driving on the lawn to load/unload, this is never acceptable.
For additional questions please email (preferred over calling) Anthony at [email protected]
Events Wireless: celebrate!
Please let me know if you have any questions or needs!
Thanks You!
Event Team
[email protected]
Sticks Design Stuido
3631 SW 61st St.
Des Moines, Iowa 50321