How to Book Sticks Studio on 61st:
Thank you for your interest in booking Sticks Design Studio!
Dates are subject to availability, to find out if a date is available please email us, click here: Email
*Please note that this calendar does not reflect holds by other potential clients but only reflects actual bookings.
If you would like to hold* a date rather than book it, please click here: Holds
Ready to book?
Once you are ready to book, please fill out this form to request an invoice and contract: Forms
After you have have completed the agreement can either mail it with a check or you can scan and email it and mail the check separately or we do offer payments by credit cards. Click here to pay by credit card: CC Form
Where do I send?
Once complete you may scan and email to [email protected]
If you do not have a scanner but have a smart phone there is an app called “Genius Scan” that can scan photos of documents into PDF’s.
To download app for Apple click here: IOS
To download app for Android click here: Android
How do I pay?
Credit Card: Click here for the Credit Card Authorization form, there is a 3% fee for credit cards: CC Form
Cash or Check:
Checks payable to: Sticks, Inc.
Mail to:
For: Accounting
3631 SW 61ST ST
Payment drop off:
You may drop off cash or check payment at the address above Monday through Friday from 7:30am to 4pm. Please email before to make sure the office is open (holidays, corporate training, etc.). You will ask for Accounting when you arrive. You may also call between those hours with your credit card, here is the number to call: (515) 246-8361 / Ask for accounting.
Let me know if you have any questions on this.
Booking the Sticks East Village Gallery? Click here
Dates are subject to availability, to find out if a date is available please email us, click here: Email
*Please note that this calendar does not reflect holds by other potential clients but only reflects actual bookings.
If you would like to hold* a date rather than book it, please click here: Holds
Ready to book?
Once you are ready to book, please fill out this form to request an invoice and contract: Forms
After you have have completed the agreement can either mail it with a check or you can scan and email it and mail the check separately or we do offer payments by credit cards. Click here to pay by credit card: CC Form
Where do I send?
Once complete you may scan and email to [email protected]
If you do not have a scanner but have a smart phone there is an app called “Genius Scan” that can scan photos of documents into PDF’s.
To download app for Apple click here: IOS
To download app for Android click here: Android
How do I pay?
Credit Card: Click here for the Credit Card Authorization form, there is a 3% fee for credit cards: CC Form
Cash or Check:
Checks payable to: Sticks, Inc.
Mail to:
For: Accounting
3631 SW 61ST ST
Payment drop off:
You may drop off cash or check payment at the address above Monday through Friday from 7:30am to 4pm. Please email before to make sure the office is open (holidays, corporate training, etc.). You will ask for Accounting when you arrive. You may also call between those hours with your credit card, here is the number to call: (515) 246-8361 / Ask for accounting.
Let me know if you have any questions on this.
Booking the Sticks East Village Gallery? Click here
*Please Note: This does not include hold dates. You can place a soft hold on any date without a deposit, you would then get first right to book the space if someone else is interested in that date. It is possible that the date you want is on hold right now. If someone already has a hold on a date then you would be in the second hold position. If you were to want that date the person in the first hold position would have 1 business day to produce the deposit check or it would fall to the person in the second hold position. You would then be required to place a deposit of half the rental amount and that would book the date. A soft hold is good for 7 days and then it expires. You may put another soft hold on that date if you contact Sticks before it expires. Also, if someone is interested in booking a date that you have held then you would be required to provide the booking forms and deposit within 1 business day or that date would be given to the other client. Let me know if you have any questions on this.